Yellow Zinc Rack & Barrel Plating Services
Achieve a corrosion-resistant surface for your steel or iron components with ASTM B 633 type II yellow plating. At Novation, we offer a range of cost-effective zinc plating services, including yellow zinc. Explore the benefits and applications of this metal finishing service to see how you can extend the lifetime and value of your components before delivering them to your customers.

Yellow Zinc Metal Plating Benefits
Choose a metal plating service that fits the environment your parts are expected to perform in. Yellow zinc coating is applied using our high-tech equipment and talented team of professionals who are committed to excellence in metal finish services. The result is the following benefits for your parts:
- Affordable metal plating
- Improved corrosion resistance compared to clear zinc
- Primed service prepared for paint
- Durable, long-lasting
Discuss the requirements you’re looking for in a metal plating service to see if yellow zinc is the right option for your situation.
Applications of Yellow Zinc Plating
Yellow zinc plating offers a dependable level of corrosion resistance for many industries and components. Here are some common industries that can use this efficient service:
- Energy
- Telecommunications
- Industrial
- Medical
- Military
Discuss the environment of your specific workpiece with our team at Novation to see if yellow zinc plating is the right option.
Connect With Our Team at Novation
Contact us at Novation today to learn more about our yellow zinc rack plating services and yellow zinc barrel plating services. We provide a thorough assessment of your industrial application and can accommodate orders from a single part to millions of parts.
Certifications & Standards
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